
Have you ever heard about cosplay? If not then allow me to explain it. ^-^

If we split the words into two words - we find cos and play. Cos comes from the word costume. Play means just play. Anyway - cosplaying means that you make a costuome of your favorite character from a movie or a series and act like that person. ^-^ Sounds fun, right?

It's fine if you buy your cosplay. But the most ultimate is to sew your own. The more time you spend on your cosplay, the better it is.

People who really like anime, manga and the Japanese culture usually meet at various conventions. Two big conventions in Sweden are Närcon and Uppcon. At conventions, they have a habit of compete in cosplaying, but you can only join if you sewed your costume.

One day I will also cosplay! I really look forward to cosplay my favorite character. Anyway, here comes the pictures of some Spirited Away cosplaying as I promised.


Chichiro and Haku
Another person as Chichiro

Chichiro and No Face.



Chichiro and No Face

Haku and Chichiro

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